
The quality management system, which introduced by CTR NORTE GmbH & Co. KG, serves for the reliable achievement of the quality level. By fixed regular check-ups of the quality management system we want to increase our quality standard continuously. Consequently, each superior has the duty to live the fixed rules according to the quality management manual. Continuous improvements and optimizations of single processes can be achieved by regular check-ups, updating and possibly necessary improvements of the quality management manual's chapters, procedure instructions, working instructions and checking instructions.

We understand the conversion of the required product qualities during the production as a permanent task of all employees in all organizational units. A further important part is the quality relationship customer organisation. All employees must be aware that the business existence of CTR NORTE GmbH & Co. KG as well as the existence of each employee depends on the customers satisfaction.

For ensuring the required quality, it is necessary to employ the staff considering their abilities and experience. Our quality management representative is responsible for the planning, check-ups and correction of the quality management system. He is authorized and has the organizational freedom to identify quality problems, to suggest measures and to look after the realization of these measures. All employees are encouraged to follow the rules in order to eliminate possible sources of error or at least to recognize and remove occurred mistakes.

The recognized mistakes have to be documented and reported to the superior. Only hereby countermeasures and improvements of the single processes can be initiated. The single superiors have a special responsibility. Their task is to introduce and maintain correct arrangements in their scope of duties. The quality objectives are yearly new defined and published at all concerned places by notices. The quality principles are published in the company by notices for our employees.




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